Thursday 6 September 2012

Prince George

Known as BC's northern capital, Prince George is a bustling city located on the traditional territory of the Lheidli T'enneh with a population of approximately 76,000 situated at the crossroads of Highway 97 (north-south) and Highway 16 (east-west), and at the confluence of the Fraser and Nechako Rivers.
The City of Prince George is a vibrant, active and diverse community that provides a strong focal point and identity to the north.
There are plenty of outdoor activities in the both the winter and summer months. Skiing, hiking, golf, kayaking and fishing are just a few.
For the sports enthusiast there are plenty of fields around for summer sports and the 2 local junior hockey teams offer up plenty of entertainment in the winter.
There are plenty of smaller events, the Prince George Exhibition (PGX), plenty of music concerts, and sporting events, but other than these it is pretty limiting in big things that come to town.
Rolling hills and a couple of rivers and lakes make up the majority of the landscape here. The down town core is being revitalised but is still pretty desolate and dirty looking.
A variety of larger wildlife can be found just outside of town such as moose and bear, as well, plenty of deer can be seen roaming the outer urban areas.
There are some nice walks along the Fraser River or through the Forests for the World.
Prince George has a little bit of everything, B&B, hotels, camping and even resorts. There is a good selection of hotels in the down town core as well as along the highways that run through town. The Treasure Cove Hotel is a great place for family fun with a large pool and indoor water slide.
There are a variety of resorts just outside the city most about a 5-10 minute drive away. And there is plenty of camping around.
Dinning & Shopping:
There are plenty of restaurants throughout the city of all types of foods from around the world. Everything from finer dining, fast food, family, casual and pub.
There are 2 major shopping centres and some other smaller ones and big box store areas located around the city. The main Pine Centre Mall has a number of stores and a small food court.
The people are generally friendly and the landscape in the area is nice. Although the down town core could still use some cleaning up in places it is overall a decent place to see. The local sports teams and extensive theatre productions also means there is always something to do.
Total Rating: 17/30
Even though it seems like a dirty place and has a lower air quality, it is the largest city in the north and provides a variety of entertainment and accommodation options. It is also the hub of the major travelling routes through the north and is a great place to stop and see a couple of things on your way through.

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