Perfect entertainment for kids of all ages. Rides, entertainment, photo-ops, and many free activities for kids including a new Jungle Gym, all undercover.
This was a perfect spot to go especially when it is wet out, as the majority of the fun is all covered. There is a few rides and other fun things to do for the kids at a very reasonable price. Each ride/attraction was 2 or 3 tickets and tickets are $1 each, but there are plenty of coupons to be found. The rides are mainly for kids 12 and under but older ones may enjoy the haunted train ride or the mini golf. The haunted tunnel on the train was not recommended for very young children though.
The tickets were reasonably priced and a parent got to go on the ride with smaller children for free too which saved on tickets.
Seasonal Hours:
Opening September Friday 13th to November Sunday 3rd 2013
9am - 30 min before close
Free to get in and $1 per ticket. Most rides and attractions are 2/3 tickets.
1300 Dominion Ave
Port Coquitlam, BC
Last Updated:

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