Tuesday 9 October 2012

Cultus Lake

Cultus Lake is a piece of Paradise, surrounded by exquisite beaches and breathtaking mountain views.

Although you are limited to water sports and golf, people always love to visit a nice beach that has other activities nearby. A variety of golf courses from a full length course to mini golf and even an 18 hole putting course gives golfers of all ages a challenge.

Not a lot of public or community events takes place here. A yearly wake board competition at he lake and triathlon are a couple of the larger but there is not a lot of events taking place here.

Nestled in the Columbia Valley you will find great views of the mountains and forest. As well, like the name says, there is a beautiful lake right at your fingertips. Although a little ways out of the city, the large amount of tourists and residence keep mos tof the wildlife at bay.

Plenty of camping here, either in tent, RV or cabin. Unfortunately there is not a big selections of hotels.

Dinning & Shopping:
Again, due to the size of the place you are very limited with your dining and shopping selection. It is a very touristy place and therefore you will not find much shopping other than some local gift stores.

This is a great place to spend a few days, especially if you want to spend some time enjoying some of the attractions and views that Cultus Lake has to offer.

Total Rating: 16.5/30

I like it here, although I am biased towards nice summer locations with a lake and beach. The roads can be quite busy during peak seasons as you are limited to only 1 way in and out.

Website: http://www.cultuslake.bc.ca


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